Products / Environmental Schemes / Wild Birds / CSS7 - Autumn Sown Bumblebird (AB16)

CSS7 - Autumn Sown Bumblebird (AB16)

Use this mixture for Autumn Sown Bumblebird (AB16), to provide an abundant supply of small seeds during the winter months for farmland birds.

Contains: 34% Winter Triticale, 34% Wheat, 8% Linseed, 7% Common Vetch, 5% Crimson Clover, 3% Gold of Pleasure, 2% Fodder Radish, 2% Kale, 1% Alsike Clover, 1% Birdsfoot Trefoil, 1% Lucerne, 1% Phacelia, 1% Red Clover

Product Details

Sowing Rate
Suitable for Countryside Stewardship Schemes
AB9, AB16