Products / Environmental Schemes / Legume, Fallow & Buffer Strips

Legume, Fallow & Buffer Strips

Registering for Countryside Stewardship Schemes will provide a great transition into ELMs whilst offering a viable source of current income. Our range has been updated to reflect 2022 changes to scheme requirements.

These schemes aim to establish diverse swards of grass and/or legumes and wildflowers to create rich wildlife habitats and comply with AB3, AB15, GS4, GS8, GS14, SW codes.

CSS2 - Legume & Herb Rich (GS4)

Use this mixture for Legume & Herb-Rich Swards (GS4), to establish a mixed sward of grasses, legumes, herbs and wildflowers.

Contains: 40% Strong Creeping Red Fescue, 15% Perennial Ryegrass, 13% Meadow Fescue, 10% Sainfoin, 7% Timothy, 5% Smooth Stalk Meadow Grass, 5% Red Clover, 2% Alsike Clover, 1.25% Lucerne, 0.5% Sheep'...

Sowing Rate
Suitable for Countryside Stewardship Schemes
GS4, GS8, GS14
CSS6/21 - Two Year Sown Legume Fallow (AB15)

Use this mixture for Two Year Sown Legume Fallow (AB15), to provide an abundant supply of pollen and nectar-rich flowers and legumes.

Contains: 55% Common Vetch, 15% Red Clover, 10% Alsike Clover, 10% Lucerne, 7.5% Crimson Clover, 2.5% Birdsfoot Trefoil...

Sowing Rate
Suitable for Countryside Stewardship Schemes
CSS6/21R Two Year Sown Legume Fallow with Ryegrass (AB15)

Use this mixture for Two Year Sown Legume Fallow (AB15), to provide an abundant supply of pollen and nectar-rich flowers and legumes. With ryegrass to reduce weed burden and reduce flowering black-grass.

Contains: 40% Perennial Ryegrass, 40% Common Vetch, 5% Crimson Clover, 5% Lucerne, 5% Red Clover, 2.5% Alsike Clover, 2.5...

Sowing Rate
Suitable for Countryside Stewardship Schemes
CSS8 - Buffer Strip & Beetle Bank with Cocksfoot (AB3)

Use this mixture for Beetle Banks (AB3), to provide nesting and foraging habitats for insects, bumblebees, small mammals and some farmland birds.

Contains: 60% Strong Creeping Red Fescue, 20% Tall Fescue, 15% Slender Creeping Red Fescue, 5% Cocksfoot...

Sowing Rate
Suitable for Countryside Stewardship Schemes
AB3, SW codes
CSS9 - Buffer Strip & Beetle Bank without Cocksfoot (AB3)

Use this mixture for Beetle Banks (AB3), to provide nesting and foraging habitats for insects, bumblebees, small mammals and some farmland birds.

Contains: 60% Strong Creeping Red Fescue, 20% Tall Fescue, 10% Hard Fescue, 10% Slender Creeping Red Fescue...

Sowing Rate
Suitable for Countryside Stewardship Schemes
AB3, SW codes
CSS11 - Species Rich Wild Grassland (AB3)

Use this mixture for Beetle Banks (AB3). This premium, species-rich mixture provides an abundance of high-value plant species with a range of heights.

Contains: 27% Strong Creeping Red Fescue, 15% Meadow Fescue, 15% Chewing's Fescue, 10% Hard Fescue, 10% Tall Fescue, 8% Smooth Stalk Meadow Grass, 6% Sheep’s Fescue, 5%...

Song Rate
Suitable for Countryside Stewardship Schemes
AB3, SW codes